So we all remember the well loved Dragon Ball Manga series, well someone had a great idea to make a movie called Dragonball Evolution this idiots name is James Wong (Director) I'm giving him all the credit because he gave the ok for this atrocity. First of all the dragonball series was about a young man (alien) named Goku who as a baby was given a mission to destroy Earth, well he hit his head and became the loving and naive Goku we've all come to love. He is found by Gohan and taken in as his grandson, unfortunately years later he turns in a Oozaru (Great Ape) and accidentally kills Grandpa Gohan.
After that Goku meets Bulma by we'll a accident and she sees how strong he is and that he has what she's been looking for one of the Dragon balls so she invites him to help her find them. Along the way Goku helps a turtle and receives the gift of the Flying Nimbus, after that he meets Master Roshi, then Oolong the piggy, then Yamcha, then Ox King Lord who was close friends with Grandpa Gohan, the he meets Bull Demon Lord (Chi Chi's dad) and that is when he meets Chi Chi. All this happens when he is still very young and as for Piccolo he and Goku meet in a fighting tournament and Goku defeats him and later they join forces to defeat Raditz ( Goku's Brother) but enough about that.
- In the Movie Goku wants to fit in with his peers and win the respect and love for Chi Chi by improving his fighting skills to impress her, in the animated original series he doesn't even love Chi Chi until after they're married!!!
- In the movie Goku is about 18, in the A.O.S. he was like 11 and didn't go to high school, his lack of education was often a pun throughout the series!!!
- In the movie Piccolo looks like a goblin, in the A.O.S. he is a rather handsome humanoid looking Namic WITH antennas.
- In the movie they made the great ape Oozaru an actual character that Goku turns into instead of the transformation that Saiyans who still have their tails have during a full moon, instead of the full moon in the movie they used an solar eclipse. He's depicted as a God and much smaller than the original Oozarus the Saiyans turn into.
Here are some more major key points for the reason of this movie bashing, they are as follows:
Goku as I have already told you meets Bulma first and while he was a kid and she was a teenager. |
Apparently the writters of this movie have forgotten that simple fact. |
Goku from dragonball, hmm looks to be about 11 wouldn't you say?
Evolution's Goku in regular clothes** and about 18. |
Little Chi Chi around the time when she met Goku.
Chi Chi From Evolution...high school age about 18 as well. |
King Piccolo from the dragon ball series. |
King Piccolo from Evolution (with no antennas -_-) |
Good ole' Master Roshi the Perv you gotta love ^_^ |
Evolution's Master Roshi shares none of the mannerisms of the DB series Roshi (and he has hair)
Goku transformed as a Oozaru in the DBAS
And this atrocity is the Oozaru from Evolution need I say anything?!
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These are just some very small mistakes they made in the movie, there are are so many more I couldn't possibly list all of them with the time I have for this review. I'm giving Dragon ball Evolution a 1.4 out of 1-10, yea it's that bad.